This, undoubtedly, has had a profound impact on the way media corporations
This is the market that groups like the MPAA and RIAA have created - instead of utilizing this fantastic new medium, they have tried to squash it, to shut down every torrent-trading site, to use the law as a weapon against the proliferation against digital media. It's obvious to most pseudo-savvy computer users like myself that their efforts have not only failed, but have set off the spark that is now the raging wildfire of internet piracy (erm ... digital liberation.) It all cam e to a head in recent days, as a handful of hackers posted the anti-piracy code to the new HD-DVDs from Sony and were met with cease-and-desist orders from the company's attorneys. What started as a handful of kids trying to get the word out then became a viral process - the code was forwarded to internet chat rooms, blogs, even became a popular song on It seems that, especially in this case, the corporations' efforts to squash the spread of digital media has backfired and made those of us to who partake more resolute to keep the digital revolution alive.
I understand the argument, I really do - music and movies are a product, and digital piracy is essentially
You don't have that with, say, The Holiday. Film and album sales aren't down because people are downloading them for free, they're down because Hollywood and mainstream music has been essentially feeding the American market shit for the past few decades, and we're sick of it. The Digital Revolution is not a communistic, illegal battle for free stuff, it is a statement that we, as an audience, are not stupid, and we are more refined that ever before. We demand music and movies that don't insult our intelligence, don't pander to our addiction to bubble-gum pop music, and don't treat us like children. Until the supply meets this demand, we will continue to get our movies and music for free.
Lest we forget that this same debate raged about thirty years ago with the advent of cassette tapes. The music industry fully believed that people would begin recording their favorite songs from the radio, and hence, would no longer purchase albums or tapes. We know, of course, that this is ... well ... bullshit. Mixtape culture rose from the concept, and the music industry was better off because of it - haven't we all been turned on to a band because of a mix someone gave us?
Which leads me to my final point - stealing music is good for music. Take, for example, well ... my site. Throw the Goat features music reviews and band features, most of
I imagine sometime soon we will see an uneasy peace reached between the Digital Liberators and those fascists at the MPAA and RIAA. Until then, avast, maytees! Here, thar be poirates!
I agree with most or all of that. Record sale drops in major companies are a reflection on themselves, not a result of "pirates".
I'm in the same position as you. Had I not downloaded some metal years ago, I wouldn't be listening to the music I am now, and wouldn't have made a metal site to support the artists I love.
The RIAA is certainly no moral compass. They don't care about artist rights/royalties or the fans. They just hate that we are moving away from them and they push their agenda to stay top dog. It will not last for long. Something has to change or they will be obsolete, hopefully...
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